How to speed up WordPress and pass the Google Page Speed Test
Updated: Feb 2024 In order to speed up your website, you need to do the following 10 things. This will not only help you pass the Google Page Speed te Read more
How to Have A Great Real Estate Website in 2020
In this guide, I'm going to tell you everything you need to have on your real estate website to make it a success in 2020.
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Moving from to https on WordPress: My process
I’ve moved many WordPress sites from http to https. The easiest ways are as follows: If you’re hosted with SiteGround, they have a one-cli Read more
Google is about to change the way your website is viewed in Chrome
All websites that don't start with HTTPS will be marked as "Not secure" by Chrome browsers starting July 2018 and this will affect your visitors' view of your website.
How to discover your conversion rate and What’s a good percentage?
The number of form completions (or page sales) divided by the total amount of page visitors, times one hundred equals your conversion rate.
5 Reasons why you rarely get calls or emails from your website
Make sure your content speaks directly to your customers, and ensure that you have a strong call to action.
GUIDE: How to craft a Customer Persona
Developing a Customer Persona requires asking the right questions and listening to the stories behind the answers.
Ideal Customer Profile vs. Customer Personas
When you know your customer's motivations, frustrations, and aspirations, you have a Customer Persona. When you only know demographics, that's an Ideal Customer Profile.
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Moving from non-www to www in WordPress
So having your website prepended with www has some technical advantages. Not having www is called a “naked domain name.” Th Read more
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From WAMP to Instant WordPress (IWP)
As a Windows user and WordPress developer, I used to develop websites on my local machine using WAMP (Windows Apache, MySQL, and PHP). This turns my c Read more
This idea about your business website is costing you money
This mindset among many business owners that a website is nothing more than a digital brochure is wasting their money.