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5 Reasons why you rarely get calls or emails from your website

Make sure your content speaks directly to your customers, and ensure that you have a strong call to action.

This article was originally posted on Linkedin

If you’re unsatisfied with your website’s performance, you’re in the right place. Today, I’ll uncover five reasons why no one calls or emails you, and when they do, they’re not qualified. Here they are at a glance, and then we’ll dive into each:

  1. You don’t look professional
  2. Your site doesn’t have a traffic source
  3. You don’t have any well-defined personas
  4. Your copy doesn’t speak to them
  5. You have no strong call to action

You don’t look professional

When’s the last time you updated your website? Does it look “old-school”? Is your website “responsive?” Is your contact information present like phone number, email, address, etc.? All these things help your business’s credibility.

If you think you have a design issue, run your website by your social network and ask for their honest opinion. You can also purchase services from www.UsabilityHub.com to get feedback.

Your site doesn’t have a traffic source

Just because you have a site, doesn’t mean people will visit. You need to be in search engines. If you’re not relying on SEO or paid search ads, do a workshop, give a talk, start a meetup, or become a guest author on a high traffic website; these are the ways you can get more traffic coming to your site.

You don’t have well-defined personas

I’ve written about Customer Personas here. My definition of a Customer Persona is: when you know your customer’s motivations, frustrations, and aspirations, you have a Customer Persona (CP). When you only know demographics, that’s an Ideal Customer Profile (ICP).

Some businesses only focus on their ICP data, and as a result, lose to the competition. In the buyer’s cycle, people compare your services/products to others so your message must be tailored to your ideal customers for you to get qualified leads.

Your website copy doesn’t speak to them

If a website is speaking directly to that customer’s motivations, frustrations, and aspirations; and providing a sound solution, they’re more likely to get a qualified lead and eventually convert that visitor into a customer.

On the other hand, too many business websites talk about their years in business, the features of their product/service, and who they are; and far too less about meeting the goals of the visitor. Business website content has to become visitor-centered instead of company-centered to win the customer.

This seems like a no-brainer, but we’re all selfish, and we tend to think more about ourselves instead of others. In business, focusing on the customer’s needs is the best way of gaining their business.

You have no strong call to action

Your website copy must be accompanied by a strong call to action. Your call to action (CTA) includes prominent elements, sections, and buttons on your website that tell the visitor what you want them to do. You have to directly ask people to do something to get the desired response you want.

Sometimes a website has too many things it’s throwing at its visitor. Other times, the website is asking the visitor to take an action they’re not ready to do like buy an expensive product or service right now. When site’s do this, it shows that they don’t understand the customer or where they likely are in the buying cycle.

Depending on your product or service, most visitors don’t buy on the first visit to your website, and so it’s important to ask for something else from them other than their money.

Usually, a better CTA would be to ask for their email address in exchange for something of value like an e-book, or a 20% off coupon. Now, with their email address, you can stay connected with them, and nurture the relationship throughout the buying cycle. In the end, they’ll likely choose you over the competitors.

So those are the five things I believe are holding most business website back from success. Check your site this week. Make sure your site has decent traffic, and make sure it looks professional (including being mobile-friendly). Make sure your content speaks directly to your customers, and ensure that you have a strong call to action.