Home Articles Archives 6 Reasons why you need a Google account for your website

6 Reasons why you need a Google account for your website

A Google account is essential for any serious website owner. The following are a few useful tools a free account provides.

A Google account is essential for any serious website owner. Aside from its popular email services, there are a ton of other useful tools that will help manage your website.

Google Analytics

GA is traffic reporter for your website; this is one of the most powerful free website monitoring software out there. Once installed, you’ll be able to find out who’s coming to your site, from where, how long are they spending, and what part of the world they’re coming from; and that is just the tip of the iceberg.

Google Search Console

Formally known as Google Webmaster Tools, GSC is like a doctor for your website. The tool allows you tell Google about the content on your website. In return, GSC gives you feedback about how well your site is doing, what to improve, and if there’s anything that could hurt your rank in Google.

Google A/B Testing

There’s a variety of user testing tools, and Google has one too. Google allows you to show one version of your page to a percentage of users and another to the rest. You can then discover which performs the best.

Google Custom Search Engine

If you have a large website, you can add search capability powered by Google. Google is the king of search. However, seamless integration is a bit tricky, and additional features come at a premium.

Google Adsense

This is a service that will pay you for placing ads on your content rich website. You get paid when people click on the ads.

Google Adwords

This is a Pay Per Click (PPC) service. You can pay Google a monthly fee to have your website displayed at the top of search results depending on specific keywords. PPC is handy for generating instant traffic. The key to a successful campaign is doing keyword research and making sure your landing page is optimized for conversions.

That’s it. A Google account has a lot to offer. Visit http://accounts.google.com for more information.