This idea about your business website is costing you money
This mindset among many business owners that a website is nothing more than a digital brochure is wasting their money.
Four ways to speed up your WordPress website
Your hosting type, caching, image sizes and the use of a CDN have everything to do with the speed of your website. Learn about how each plays its part in your website's speed.
Four things you can do to protect your website from hackers
In short: always keep WordPress updated. Setup automated backups. Use strong passwords and a security plugin.
How to lower your rank in Google
Blocking search bots, having broken links, using AJAX, having duplicate content and staying blacklisted for too long are some of the ways a business can mistakenly lower their rank in search engines.
Schema, Rich Snippets and Microdata
Schema is the site that gives developers the proper code to display Rich Snippets. Rich Snippets are Google search results that stand out from the rest. Microdata is the type of code used to display Rich Snippets.
How to rank higher in Google
Google takes a few other factors into consideration when ranking your website including, download speed, mobile friendly design, "breadcrumbed" organized content and more.
How to do basic keyword research for your SEO campaign
Keyword research consists of brainstorming relevant search terms. Then using Google's planning tool to boil down the list to the best keywords. The goal is to choose keywords with a high search volume, but low competition. You'll discover that specific, key phrases are more effective than generic one-word keywords.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) How it works
You can't fool search engines anymore these days. The best way to boost your rank is through great content, lots of shares and the use of relevant keywords. There's three parts to SEO, on-page SEO and off-page SEO, but the most important part is keyword research.
Three big misconceptions business owners have about their websites
Some people think a website is just a digital brochure. They emphasize website design over copywriting and place SEO over CRO. In this podcast you'll learn what matters the most and why.
Why you absolutely need to use a password manager
Learn how a password manager can keep you protected from hackers and make logging in and out of multiple websites a breeze.