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How to transport a WordPress website

So, this is very simple:

First of all, you need to know how WP works. Your serv­er has Word­Press’ core pro­gram files, your theme files, your plu­gins and your up­loads. All these files can be zipped in­to one file and up­loaded to the new serv­er.

The oth­er side of Word­Press is the data­base: you can’t simply copy this file over. You have to change all the file paths that point to the current serv­er to the new serv­er first (this could be thou­sands). This is where a help­ful plu­gin comes in­to play. Here’s how to trans­fer Word­Press suc­cess­fully:

  1. In­stall the WP Mi­grate DB plu­gin on the old site. This will ask you the serv­er path to the new serv­er and cre­ate a new data­base file (.sql) with the new serv­er paths.
  2. On your new serv­er, cre­ate a new data­base and as­sign a user, and pass­word to it.
  3. Im­port the data­base from the old web serv­er which was gen­er­ated by the mi­grate plu­gin.
  4. Now, you’re done with all the data. Now gath­er the en­tire Word­Press in­stall­a­tion files from the old serv­er. The fast­est way to do this is to zip it on the serv­er and then down­load it to desktop.
  5. Then up­load it to the new serv­er loc­a­tion where Word­Press will sit. Change thewp-config.phpon the new serv­er to the new data­base name, user­name and pass­word you cre­ated on the new serv­er. Some­times the host name isn’t “loc­al­host” so change this if ne­ces­sary.
  6. Fi­nally, and the most im­port­ant part, go to your ad­min sec­tion of your new WP site us­ing the same lo­gin de­tails from your old in­stall­a­tion.
  7. Go to the Set­tings > Permalinks and click “save changes.” This will up­date your .htaccessfile. If you don’t do this your homepage will show but all your oth­er pages may give you an 404 not found er­ror and you will rack­ing your brain try­ing to fig­ure out why it isn’t work­ing.