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Moving from non-www to www in WordPress
So having your website prepended with www has some technical advantages. Not having www is called a “naked domain name.” Th Read more
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From WAMP to Instant WordPress (IWP)
As a Windows user and WordPress developer, I used to develop websites on my local machine using WAMP (Windows Apache, MySQL, and PHP). This turns my c Read more
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Fixing a hacked site and what I learned
So a client of mind, and his WordPress website that I didn’t build was hacked. He asked if I could fix it. Here’s what I learned throughou Read more
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AdBlock blocks WordPress images
I was using the WordPress plugin Force Regenerate Thumbnails to change the dimensions of product images on an ecommerce website. After makin Read more
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WordPress Theme Support
I see these job ads for as­sist­ance with Word­Press themes. Usu­ally the per­son wants some ad­di­tion­al func­tion­al­ity ad­ded, or it& Read more
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Custom Style All Your Form Elements with Pure CSS and NO Javascript
As a de­sign­er, be­ing able to style every HTML ele­ment with CSS is what I de­sire, and not hav­ing to use ad­di­tion­al scripts to do it i Read more
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Firefox & Responsive Testing
Someone no­ti­fied me of a prob­lem they were hav­ing test­ing a re­spons­ive site us­ing Fire­fox. The site wasn’t shrink­ing in the Read more
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Micro Center micro SD cards
For some reas­on, my Mi­cro Cen­ter branded SD card just stop work­ing re­cently. I didn’t use it for more than 3 months be­fore it failed Read more
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Hi-Res Screens are a Natural Progression for the Web
It seems like only yes­ter­day we as web de­velopers over­came the chal­lenges of de­vel­op­ing for mul­tiple screen sizes that an­oth­er c Read more
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Web Thumbnails & Touch Icons
In designing a website, there are other small details that one needs to consider, like the favicon, the social media thumbnail and the home screen tou Read more