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How to do basic keyword research for your SEO campaign

Keyword research consists of brainstorming relevant search terms. Then using Google’s planning tool to boil down the list to the best keywords. The goal is to choose keywords with a high search volume, but low competition. You’ll discover that specific, key phrases are more effective than generic one-word keywords.

Ways you can find keywords and phrases:

  • Ask your receptionist, sales people, and/or take a survey.
  • View your website analytics to see what keywords people are finding you with.
  • Quora – A question and answer website. Use it to find relevant keywords.
  • Board Reader – A search engine for forums. Use it to find relevant keywords.
  • Google Trends – shows which keyword/phrases are trending.
  • Other research suggestion tools
  • Google Keyword Planner – the final tool to boil down your list.