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Learning how to use WordPress
I recently found it redundant to teach people how to use WordPress. At first, I created some videos of my own, but with WordPress constantly Read more
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How to transport a WordPress website
So, this is very simple: First of all, you need to know how WP works. Your serv­er has Word­Press’ core pro­gram files, your theme files, you Read more
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Using Advanced Custom Fields
Us­ing ACF to make Word­Press more user-friendly for my cli­ents has been fun. What I’ve come across with this plu­gin and oth­ers like it Read more
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My review of Five Second Test
I was test­ing a new logo out and I wanted to get people’s first im­pres­sions and also what they thought the com­pany rep­res­en­ted, so I r Read more
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Where to start learning Web Design
A con­nec­tion on Linked In con­tac­ted me and asked me a ques­tion: … My ques­tion is: there is so much I want to learn as far as web design. Read more
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Targeting IE or everything except IE
I’ve known for a long time that you can use conditional statements to target Internet Explorer while excluding all the other browsers. Today I learn Read more
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How to regain control of your WordPress site if blocked out
I was us­ing a plug-in called Bet­ter WP Se­cur­ity (which I strongly don’t re­com­mend). It had a fea­ture that blocks ac­cess to the ad­m Read more
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Mac is for designers?
I’m tired of de­sign­ers think­ing Mac com­puters are for cre­at­ive things, as if Mac isn’t your tool of choice, something is Read more
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Notepad++, alternative to Dreamweaver
It was time to up­grade my soft­ware and I de­cided to find a free al­tern­at­ive to Adobe’s Dream­weaver. I love DW, but it’s bloated with Read more
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This is why I use WordPress
This info graphic by Devious Media says it all: Read more