I’m tired of designers thinking Mac computers are for creative things, as if Mac isn’t your tool of choice, something is wrong with you. I much prefer the PC, here are my reasons:
- I can delete a file with just one key
- The Home and End keys work properly when navigating a document
- I can manage files from virtually any file window (rename, duplicate, delete)
- Major software upgrades arrive first for PC
- There are many more software solutions for the PC
- I can build my own PC, I can’t build a Mac

Here’s why most designers use Mac: because Apple and Steve Jobs told them so.
Apple has brilliant marketing! So much so that designers don’t wanna be that corny dude in the business suit, they want to be that other cool guy in the jeans. I love those commercials, but I’m not going to let them program me and make me think that something is wrong with PC.
The reason I use PC is because most people use PC. Look at the stats on Global Stat Counter and you’ll always see Mac lingering in the background compared to PC. Wouldn’t it be best to develop websites in the same environment the rest of the population works on?

The Difference
At the end of the day, the only difference between PC and Mac is that Mac has cooler hardware design and an amazing GUI — that’s all — just exterior style and jazz.
Oh, and they say PCs get viruses and Macs don’t. Well, I have virus protection, so my PC doesn’t get sick. And the only reason why virus are prevalent for PC because what hacker is going to waste his time writing some malicious code for an OS that barely has 10% of the market. And don’t bring up the problems with Vista, Microsoft redeemed itself with Windows 7.
Many designers have turned their noses up at me when they discover that I work on a PC. At the end of the day, it’s a computer, it’s a tool. And if you don’t have enough RAM or a fast enough processor, it will snail, freeze and crash like any other computer without the necessary stuff to make it work.
Bottom line: I’ve used the Mac, but I prefer PC. Mac isn’t magical, Mac doesn’t make you cool, Mac isn’t for designers — it’s just a shinny and expensive alternative to a PC, nothing more.
By the way, this kind of applies to all Apple products. When the iPhone came out, I just waited. When the iPad came out, I just waited. If you wait, other companies will soon be selling the same kind of tech. You don’t have to have an iPhone, or an iPad, there are near equivalents for much cheaper. At the end of the day, think of these things as tools, not toys and you’ll save money and not think of yourself more highly than you ought because of the brand of your device.
Big-ups to Apple and Steve for leading the tech industry in cool products.