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How to regain control of your WordPress site if blocked out

I was us­ing a plug-in called Bet­ter WP Se­cur­ity (which I strongly don’t re­com­mend). It had a fea­ture that blocks ac­cess to the ad­min sec­tion for a cer­tain time frame. I mis­takenly set the wrong times and when it was time to edit the site I couldn’t be­cause I was blocked out.

If something like this has ever happened to you, it can be scary, it was for me. How was I go­ing to de­ac­tiv­ate a plu­gin that has taken away con­trol of your ad­min sec­tion? I need ac­cess to the ad­min sec­tion in or­der to do it!

In this case, I wasn’t will­ing to wait, I found a solu­tion.

Do this: load up your FTP, find the plu­gins folder and re­name it, (“plu­gins” to “plu­ginss”). This will dis­able allthe plu­gins be­cause WP won’t be able to find them due to the in­cor­rect dir­ect­ory name.

Now you can get in­to the ad­min sec­tion (if a plu­gin was caus­ing the is­sue). Once in, go back to your FTP and change the folder name back to “plu­gins”. Then you can either de-act­ive and/or de­lete the plu­gin you think is caus­ing the prob­lem.

Simply. Easy.