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Notepad++, alternative to Dreamweaver
It was time to up­grade my soft­ware and I de­cided to find a free al­tern­at­ive to Adobe’s Dream­weaver. I love DW, but it’s bloated with Read more
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This is why I use WordPress
This info graphic by Devious Media says it all: Read more
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More about HTML5
I thought this was an informative article for non-tech folks who have questions about HTML5. The HTML5 Doctors decided to answer them (without the tec Read more
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From Firefox to Chrome
I’ve been a loyal Firefox user since it first came out, but Chrome has beaten it. The biggest reason why I switched was because of speed. Firefox ta Read more
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Why work doesn’t happen at work by Jason Fried
Jason Fried has a radical theory of working: that the office isn’t a good place to do it. At TEDxMidwest, he lays out the main problems (call th Read more
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Web Designer vs. Web Developer
Someone posted this on Craig’s List. I thought it was insightful and educational for people requesting services in the web industry. What really is Read more
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Mobile Coding Cheat Sheet
This is the beginning of another cheat sheet, this time, for mobile coding. A mobile design is basically a miniature copy of your desktop designed sit Read more
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Coding HTML Emails
If you haven’t coded for email clients, you’ll learn that you have to go back to tables and use a lot of repetitive inline CSS. The following is t Read more
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Refreshing & Formatting XML
In a recent client project, it called for videos with play lists. I used Longtail’s JW player to handle this. The setup required XML files for the p Read more
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What web designers do
Some people are surprised at the amount of work, skill, talent, and time that goes into building a professional website. The following information wil Read more