- Change WordPress’ Big Image threshold or disable it altogether
- Number & total all items in a loop
- Only display content on the first page of pagination
- Add post formats to Custom Post Types
- Make WordPress generate additional custom-sized images
- Customizing WordPress Jetpack Related Posts
- Alter the amount of posts that are displayed
- Alter the display of the post count number in WordPress categories
- Change the WordPress excerpt length
- Display something only on the last page of a paginated post
- Automatic link to blog post page
- Automatically number each post in WordPress
- Displaying user info
- List all the children of parent page
- Copy and/or move element(s) and display elsewhere
- WordPress cheat sheet
- List posts by Category
- Add inline javascript to WordPress correctly
- Get the current page order number according to WordPress
- Get the current page and total number of pages in a paginated post in WordPress
- Escape Fields in ACF
- Remove admin menu items from WordPress
- Create an Options Page (ACF 5+)
- Conditional Statement: if the children of this parent page
- ACF repeater field code