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Change WordPress’ Big Image threshold or disable it altogether
Completely disable image size threshold Increase the image size threshold to 4000px Read more
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Number & total all items in a loop
To get the total amount of items in a foreach loop: Get the total amount of items from a custom $wp_query loop: Number each item within a $w Read more
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Only display content on the first page of pagination
On a single post, you may enable pagination. You may want the featured image or whatever content to only display on the first page. Here’s the c Read more
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Add post formats to Custom Post Types
Add this to your functions.php file. Make sure your change the prefix name to your own. // add post-formats to post_type 'my_custom_post_type' functio Read more
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Make WordPress generate additional custom-sized images
Add this to your function.php file and change the highlighted sizes and labels to what you’d like. Visit the WordPress Codex for more informatio Read more
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Customizing WordPress Jetpack Related Posts
WordPress’ Jetpack Related Posts module is the best solution in displaying related posts because it doesn’t tax your server resources inst Read more
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Alter the amount of posts that are displayed
By default WordPress displays all homepage, categories, post archives, tags and custom post archives based on the number you set in the admin page. Bu Read more
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Alter the display of the post count number in WordPress categories
Drop this in your functions file. In the snippet below, I remove the default parentheses around post count numbers and replace them with span tags. Th Read more
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Change the WordPress excerpt length
Drop this in your functions file. Change the number to how many words you want to display before the excerpt is truncated with a “read more̶ Read more
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Display something only on the last page of a paginated post
In a project of mine, I only wanted Jetpack’s Related Posts to display on the last page of a paginated post. There was no need for the reader to Read more