CRO stands for Conversion Rate Optimization, the process of designing your website to boost conversions. A conversion rate is the percentage of visitors who complete the desired action (in other words, convert). Examples would be completing a form, signing up for your service, or purchasing your product. Learn more about conversion rates.

The Process

These are the steps I take to build websites that convert. Here’s what to expect when working with me:

1 Understand

I’ll get to know you, your audience, and your goals for the website. This information helps me build a hard-working website.

2 Content

If this is a new website or a redesign, I can advise what pages you need to have and what they should say.

3 Design / Develop

After your message is finalized, I’ll begin designing your website. I’ll design a concept that matches your brand. I’ll search for the best images, icons and choose the best fonts. Your site will be built on WordPress.

4 User Testing

Before I code your website, I’ll test your design before a live online audience (target demographic-specific). And I’ll ask participants to perform certain goals, ask their opinion on the website, and more.

5 Launch

After the content is finalized and you and I feel confident that your target demographic likes the design, they get your message, and the site is directing them to meet your goals, I’ll launch your website.

  • About Price

    It’s not cheap, but not super-expensive.
    My pricing is premium because I provide excellence, value, and results. I consider my websites as investments. Think about how much a sale or qualified lead is worth to you. I believe we can bring a return much greater than the price of the project.

  • About Risk

    Your marketing dollars are in good hands.
    My initial discovery phase followed by multiple customer testing ensures your completed website will meet its goals. My service includes peace-of-mind. Regarding technology, I’ll make sure your new site is periodically scanned, backed up (offsite), and protected from hackers. See my hosting solutions.

  • About Support

    I practice the golden rule.
    The golden says: “Do to others as you would have them do to you (Luke 6:31).” I serve with integrity, honesty, and reliability. I love our clients. My policy is to respond to my customers within the hour or day.

Let’s Talk

Are you interested in a new website? Contact me to get started.