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Micro Center micro SD cards


For some reas­on, my Mi­cro Cen­ter branded SD card just stop work­ing re­cently. I didn’t use it for more than 3 months be­fore it failed.

One day the data was in­ac­cess­ible on the card, then it tells me to format it, but I couldn’t format it be­cause it was (some­how) write pro­tec­ted, and then there was no way to re­move the write pro­tec­tion to format it. I searched the Web and didn’t find a solu­tion. I con­tac­ted Mi­cro Cen­ter through Face­book and they re­placed it with an­oth­er one free of charge.

That was good cus­tom­er ser­vice from Mi­cro Cen­ter and here I was think­ing I would have to buy an­oth­er one :). I think this just hap­pens with these kinds of me­dia from time to time and they know so, plus it must cost frac­tions of a dol­lar to man­u­fac­ture these small but high ca­pa­city stor­age cards, so it’s not a big deal to re­place them if they fail.