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Firefox & Responsive Testing


Someone no­ti­fied me of a prob­lem they were hav­ing test­ing a re­spons­ive site us­ing Fire­fox. The site wasn’t shrink­ing in the browser win­dow. The me­dia quer­ies were in place, but noth­ing but the ho­ri­zont­al bar kept com­ing up. However, my Fire­fox (16) worked fine along with my oth­er browsers. I did some dig­ging around and found the reas­on be­hind this is­sue.

Ba­sic­ally, de­pend­ing on what add-ons/ex­ten­sions you have in­stalled to make Fire­fox bet­ter, these may pre­vent you from test­ing your re­spons­ive site. The solu­tion is to dis­able your add-ons un­til you find the one that’s caus­ing the prob­lem. Or it could be Fire­fox’s menu bar: you might have to change the way it’s dis­played to re­solve this is­sue.

I can’t say this is a bug in Fire­fox be­cause desktop browsers were nev­er de­signed to shrink that small. In the real world, only web de­velopers do this for test­ing. So, if you’re go­ing to test re­spons­ive sites in Fire­fox, dis­able your add-ons, modi­fy your menu, or use Chrome and IE9+ in­stead. Apart from my An­droid device, I also use two oth­er tools be­low for re­spons­ive test­ing:

A book­mark­let by Vic­tor Coulon – This will al­low you to view your site in four gen­er­al mo­bile sizes: iPad and iPhone (with both por­trait and land­scape). Screen­queri.es – This will al­low you to res­ize your site without res­iz­ing the browser win­dow. This is much more ef­fect­ive for me be­cause I set break points based off lay­out and not device widths.